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signal delay中文是什么意思

用"signal delay"造句"signal delay"怎么读"signal delay" in a sentence


  • 讯号延迟


  • Effect of atmosphere on satellite navigation signal delay and correction method
  • ( 4 ) the signal delay commission is done well by the controller
    ( 4 )所设计的信号延时系统能够稳定、准确的完成信号延时工作。
  • Absolute signal delay
  • The influence of the multi - layer cabling structure in integrated circuit on the signal delay
  • By analysis , we have found that the output of if dsss / bpsk signal delay and multiplication processing is composed of
  • The drawbacks of the former one are that higher power is required to reach a satellite at that distance and a substantial round trip signal delay is inevitable
  • The hardware system is consisted of ccd camera , video capture card , pcl - 731a digital input / output card , signal delay controller , industry computer and outside executing set
    系统硬件部分由ccd彩色摄像头、图像采集卡、 pcl - 731a数字量i o卡、信号延时器、工业用计算机和外部执行机构组成。
  • The research object of traditional dm method is the output of base - band dsss / bpsk signal delay and multiplication processing or the base - band component of output of if dsss / bpsk signal delay and multiplication processing
  • This logic is designed containing input signal delay , event type classification , event pre - scaling and timing logic and works in pipeline mode under control of 20mhz clock which ensures no dead time contribution
  • But it can " t fit transmission for some distance because of many cables , having difficulties in controlling signals delay , high price and interference rising . so , we adopt the serial transmission for long distance transmission
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"signal delay"造句  


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